THE HAIRY GIRAFFE… IN RAJASTHAN Welcome to Rajasthan, a northern state of India, accessible by train from Delhi and close to the Taj Mahal. We are François and Benjamin, Canadian …
7 questions on India
THE HAIRY GIRAFFE… IN RAJASTHAN Are you hesitating to go to India? Are you hearing conflicting information about the most populous country on the planet? To help you see things …
Rajasthan : Benjamin’s Travel Reflections
THE HAIRY GIRAFFE… IN RAJASTHAN After three weeks in Rajasthan, it’s time to reflect. How did we experience this journey? What were our joys, disappointments, questions, doubts, and discoveries? This …
Three-Week Itinerary in Rajasthan
The Hairy giraffe… IN RAJASTHAN After ten days in the United Arab Emirates, we continue our around-the-world journey with a 3-week trip to Rajasthan (including Delhi and Agra). The cultural, …
Rajasthan : François’ Travel Reflections
THE HAIRY GIRAFFE… IN RAJASTHAN After three weeks in Rajasthan, it’s time to reflect. How did we experience this journey? What were our joys, disappointments, questions, doubts, and discoveries? This …